  1. Introducing RZII, an evolved version of RZ. The crossover design, which is a fusion of twin 5-spoke and even 10-spoke, has evolved boldly.
  2. For the first time, the wide-angle side of the twin spokes is equipped with an "advanced side cut" that is seamlessly scooped out on the sides of both spokes.
  3. The narrow-angle side of the twin spokes has a stepped shape to ensure strength and realize a thin spoke design.
  4. A GTR design with a more concave spoke shape and standard design from 17 inches to 19 inches is set according to the size. The 18-inch, which has high sports driving needs, also has a super GTR design.
  5. The basic colors of the color variations are racing hyper black, racing gloss black, and the new racing indigo blue. In addition, all colors have a brilliant ring with a diamond cut on the rim flange. This ring is the part that can be said to be the identity of the new RZII.
  6. Includes a logo sticker exclusively for ADVAN Racing RZⅡ (for sticking to the center between spokes).

ADVAN Racing RZII has 7 designs of 17 inches; standard design / GTR design, 18 inches; standard design / GTR design / super GTR design, 19 inches; standard design / GTR design, so that the maximum concave shape can be obtained depending on the size. It is set.

In addition to the popular Racing Hyper Black and Racing Gloss Black in RSII etc., a new color Racing Indigo Blue is set, and all three colors are diamond cutting specifications of the rim flange.

Crossover Design-a New Challenge for ADVAN.

  1. A renewed version of RZ, RZⅡ has hit the streets. Twin 5-spoke and uniform 10-spoke wheels have come together in a crossover design that's as daring as it is evolutionary.
  2. At the wide angle end of the twin spokes, both spokes are scooped out at the joint, adopting an “advanced side-cut” for the first time.
  3. At the narrow angle end of the twin spokes, the stepped shape maintains the wheel's strength, even with the thin spoke design.
  4. Standard designs are available in 17-19-inch sizes, with some sizes offering GTR designs that have even more concave spoke shapes. In the 18-inch size, built to meet the exacting demands of racing, a Super GTR design is available.
  5. The RZⅡ model is available in three colors: Racing Hyper Black, Racing Gloss Black, and all-new Racing Indigo Blue. All wheels, regardless of color, have diamond-cut rim flanges and polished rings that clearly establish the new RZⅡ model's identity.

ADVAN Racing RZⅡ is available in seven designs: Standard / GTR in 17-inch; Standard / GTR / Super GTR in 18-inch; Standard / GTR in 19-inch. Each wheel is designed with the greatest possible concave form for its size.

RZⅡ is available in three colors – in addition to the Racing Hyper Black and Racing-gloss Black that are popular in RSⅡ and other wheels, it comes in Racing Indigo Blue The three colors are subjectrd diamond machining with rim flange.

ADVAN Racing RZⅡ for Japanese Cars

(INCH × W)
Hyper Black
& Ring
Gloss Black
& Ring
indigo blue
& ring
15X5.0J100Four45 45STD63 6339,600 [tax included]36,300 [tax included]36,300 [tax included]36,300 [tax included]
38STD63 6339,600 [tax included]36,300 [tax included]36,300 [tax included]36,300 [tax included]
15X5.5J100Four45 45STD63 6340,150 [tax included]36,850 [tax included]36,850 [tax included]36,850 [tax included]
15X6.0J1004 (M14)45 45STD63 6340,700 [tax included]37,400 [tax included]37,400 [tax included]37,400 [tax included]
38STD63 6340,700 [tax included]37,400 [tax included]37,400 [tax included]37,400 [tax included]
15X6.5J1004 (M14)40GTR63 6341,250 [tax included]37,950 [tax included]37,950 [tax included]37,950 [tax included]
15X7.0J 1004 (M14)42GTR63 6341,800 [tax included]38,500 [tax included]38,500 [tax included]38,500 [tax included]
30GTR63 6341,800 [tax included]38,500 [tax included]38,500 [tax included]38,500 [tax included]
15X7.5J1004 (M14)40GTR63 6342,350 [tax included]39,050 [tax included]39,050 [tax included]――――
15X8.0J 1004 (M14)35GTR63 6342,900 [tax included]39,600 [tax included]39,600 [tax included]39,600 [tax included]
28 28GTR63 63――――39,600 [tax included]39,600 [tax included]――――
(INCH × W)
16X5.5J100Four45 45STD63 6348,950 [tax included]45,650 [tax included]45,650 [tax included]45,650 [tax included]
38STD63 6348,950 [tax included]45,650 [tax included]45,650 [tax included]45,650 [tax included]
16X6.5J1004 (M14)45 45STD63 6350,050 [tax included]46,750 [tax included]46,750 [tax included]46,750 [tax included]
38STD63 6350,050 [tax included]46,750 [tax included]46,750 [tax included]46,750 [tax included]
35GTR63 6350,050 [tax included]46,750 [tax included]46,750 [tax included]46,750 [tax included]
16X7.0J114.3Five45 45STD7350,600 [tax included]47,300 [tax included]47,300 [tax included]47,300 [tax included]
100Five48STD56/6350,600 [tax included]47,300 [tax included]47,300 [tax included]――――
5 (M14)38STD57/6350,600 [tax included]47,300 [tax included]47,300 [tax included]――――
4 (M14)48STD63 6350,600 [tax included]47,300 [tax included]47,300 [tax included]47,300 [tax included]
41 41GTR63 6350,600 [tax included]47,300 [tax included]47,300 [tax included]47,300 [tax included]
4 (M14)30GTR63 6350,600 [tax included]47,300 [tax included]47,300 [tax included]47,300 [tax included]
16X7.5J1004 (M14)40GTR63 6351,150 [tax included]47,850 [tax included]47,850 [tax included]47,850 [tax included]
16X8.0J1004 (M14)38GTR63 6351,700 [tax included]48,400 [tax included]48,400 [tax included]48,400 [tax included]
(INCH × W)
17X7.0J100Four47 47STD63 6358,850 [tax included]54,450 [tax included]54,450 [tax included]54,450 [tax included]
4 (M14)42STD63 6358,850 [tax included]54,450 [tax included]54,450 [tax included]54,450 [tax included]
17X7.5J114.3Five48STD7359,400 [tax included]55,000 [tax included]55,000 [tax included]55,000 [tax included]
100Five50STD63 6359,400 [tax included]55,000 [tax included]55,000 [tax included]55,000 [tax included]
5 (M14)45 45STD57.1 / 6359,400 [tax included]55,000 [tax included]55,000 [tax included]――――
35GTR57.1 / 6359,400 [tax included]55,000 [tax included]55,000 [tax included]――――
Four38GTR63/6359,400 [tax included]55,000 [tax included]55,000 [tax included]55,000 [tax included]
17X8.0J114.3Five54STD7359,950 [tax included]55,550 [tax included]――――55,550 [tax included]
45 45GTR7359,950 [tax included]55,550 [tax included]55,550 [tax included]55,550 [tax included]
37 37GTR7359,950 [tax included]55,550 [tax included]55,550 [tax included]55,550 [tax included]
100Five45 45GTR63 6359,950 [tax included]55,550 [tax included]55,550 [tax included]55,550 [tax included]
17X8.5J114.3Five49GTR7360,500 [tax included]56,100 [tax included]――――56,100 [tax included]
31GTR7360,500 [tax included]56,100 [tax included]56,100 [tax included]――――
17X9.0J114.3Five63 63STD7361,050 [tax included]56,650 [tax included]――――56,650 [tax included]
45 45GTR7361,050 [tax included]56,650 [tax included]56,650 [tax included]56,650 [tax included]
35GTR7361,050 [tax included]56,650 [tax included]56,650 [tax included]56,650 [tax included]
100Five52 52GTR63 6361,050 [tax included]56,650 [tax included]56,650 [tax included]――――
(INCH × W)
18X7.0J1004 (M14)42STD63 6367,650 [tax included]63,250 [tax included]63,250 [tax included]63,250 [tax included]
18X7.5J114.3Five48STD7368,200 [tax included]63,800 [tax included]63,800 [tax included]63,800 [tax included]
100Five50STD63 6368,200 [tax included]63,800 [tax included]63,800 [tax included]63,800 [tax included]
18X8.0J114.3Five53STD7368,750 [tax included]64,350 [tax included]――――64,350 [tax included]
44STD7368,750 [tax included]64,350 [tax included]64,350 [tax included]64,350 [tax included]
100Five48STD63 6368,750 [tax included]64,350 [tax included]64,350 [tax included]64,350 [tax included]
5 (M14)37 37GTR63 6368,750 [tax included]64,350 [tax included]64,350 [tax included]――――
18X8.5J114.3Five51STD7369,300 [tax included]64,900 [tax included]64,900 [tax included]64,900 [tax included]
45 45GTR7369,300 [tax included]64,900 [tax included]64,900 [tax included]64,900 [tax included]
38GTR7369,300 [tax included]64,900 [tax included]64,900 [tax included]――――
31GTR7369,300 [tax included]64,900 [tax included]64,900 [tax included]――――
100Five45 45GTR63 6369,300 [tax included]64,900 [tax included]64,900 [tax included]64,900 [tax included]
18X9.0J114.3Five63 63STD7369,850 [tax included]65,450 [tax included]――――――――
35GTR7369,850 [tax included]65,450 [tax included]65,450 [tax included]65,450 [tax included]
twenty fiveS-GTR7369,850 [tax included]65,450 [tax included]65,450 [tax included]――――
100Five52 52GTR63 6369,850 [tax included]65,450 [tax included]65,450 [tax included]――――
18X9.5J114.3Five45 45S-GTR7370,400 [tax included]66,000 [tax included]66,000 [tax included]66,000 [tax included]
35S-GTR68/7370,400 [tax included]66,000 [tax included]66,000 [tax included]66,000 [tax included]
100Five45 45S-GTR63 6370,400 [tax included]66,000 [tax included]66,000 [tax included]66,000 [tax included]
18X10.0J114.3Five35S-GTR7370,950 [tax included]66,550 [tax included]66,550 [tax included]66,550 [tax included]
twenty fiveS-GTR7370,950 [tax included]66,550 [tax included]66,550 [tax included]66,550 [tax included]
18X10.5J114.3Five15S-GTR7371,500 [tax included]67,100 [tax included]67,100 [tax included]――――
(INCH × W)
19X8.0J114.3Five44STD7377,550 [tax included]73,150 [tax included]73,150 [tax included]73,150 [tax included]
100Five47 47STD63 6377,550 [tax included]73,150 [tax included]73,150 [tax included]73,150 [tax included]
19X8.5J114.3Five50STD7378,650 [tax included]74,250 [tax included]74,250 [tax included]74,250 [tax included]
38GTR7378,650 [tax included]74,250 [tax included]74,250 [tax included]74,250 [tax included]
19X9.0J114.3Five45 45GTR7379,750 [tax included]75,350 [tax included]75,350 [tax included]75,350 [tax included]
35GTR7379,750 [tax included]75,350 [tax included]75,350 [tax included]75,350 [tax included]
twenty fiveGTR7379,750 [tax included]75,350 [tax included]75,350 [tax included]――――
100Five50GTR63 6379,750 [tax included]75,350 [tax included]75,350 [tax included]――――
19X9.5J114.3Five50GTR7380,850 [tax included]76,450 [tax included]76,450 [tax included]――――
19X10.0J114.3Five35GTR7381,950 [tax included]77,550 [tax included]77,550 [tax included]77,550 [tax included]
twenty fiveGTR7381,950 [tax included]77,550 [tax included]77,550 [tax included]――――
  1. Color:
    HBR: Racing Hyper Black & Ring
    GBR: Racing Gloss Black & Ring
    IBR: Racing Indigo Blue & Ring (some sizes not set)
    RBZ: Racing Bronze (some sizes not set)
  2. It will be the new price from January 2022.
  3. Capless design. There is a setting of ADVAN RACING CENTER CAP sold separately.
  4. The consumption tax rate will be 10%.

  5. Colors: Colors:
    HBR: Racing Hyper Black & Ring
    GBR: Racing Gloss Black & Ring
    IBR: Racing Indigo Blue & Ring (Specific size is not available.)
    RBZ: Racing Bronze (Specific size is not available.)
  6. ● Marks Schedule for launch May 2016.
  7. Capless Design, but ADVAN Racing center cap sold separately.